How to Give Your Website an SEO Boost

An SEO boost can be invigorating both for your profits and also for your mindset. It’s an accomplishment that can have a serious impact on your business. Even a small boost can make your day. Here are seven ways to give your website an SEO boost.

SEO Boost

#1 Target an Easy Search Phrase

Go for a phrase that has lots of demand and little supply, also known as a “long tail keyword”. These phrases are often the phrases that are three or four keywords long. They may begin with “How to” or “Tips for”. Use keyword tools to help you find those unique keyword phrases to focus on.

The reason for targeting these easy search phrases is that you can quickly achieve a top page rank. You can then use these content pages to link to other pages within your website – the pages where you ideally want your traffic to go.

#2 Social Bookmark Your Key Pages

Choose a few key pages and list them with social bookmarking sites. Sites like Reddit, StumbleUpon and Tumblr. Social bookmarking sites create both traffic and incoming links.

#3 Link to Your Key Pages from Social Network Sites and Blogs

Commenting on blogs and participating on social networking sites, like Facebook, drives traffic to your site. It can also give you an SEO boost. People may link to your website and specific pages on your website once they learn about your valuable content and information.

SEO Tips

#4 Internal Linking

Targeting the same key pages, create an internal linking structure within your website to draw attention to these pages. You can identify a keyword or keyword phrase you’re trying to optimize and link to pages that use those keywords.

#5 Write More Content on Your Niche Keywords and Phrases

Content is ultimately what search engines index. The more relevant content you have, the more value the search engines place on your site. Creating keyword-focused content can give you the SEO boost you’re looking for. And researching those keywords can give you a better idea what your target audience wants.

#6 Make Sure Your Existing Content is Keyword Optimized

This is accomplished by:

  • Placing keywords in your headline
  • Placing keywords in your subheadings
  • Placing keywords in your first and last paragraph
  • Place relevant and supporting keywords throughout the body of the copy.

But as mentioned in another post, don’t go overboard on the keywords. Read the section titled “Let Go of Keyword Density”. See how we just did #4?

#7 User-Generated Content

You can use interactive features to motivate user-generated content. This content can give you a great SEO boost. Look for opportunities to ask for contributions. For example, ask for advice and then let people post their responses to your site. (Of course you have full rights and control over the content).

Boosting your search engine optimization takes a goal and a plan. Choose the keywords or keyword phrases you want to focus on. Then embrace these seven tips to increase your ranking for those keywords. Watch your rankings increase and your traffic grow.

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